Structure of Error Description and Error Codes

Error codes

Every error that arises during request processing on the IS side, along with its corresponding HTTP code, must also include a more detailed description of the error within the response body. The following fields must be specified:

  • error_code: the error code (integer),
  • error_message: a description of the error (used for debugging and incident investigations),
  • details: error details (the format depends on the error type). This field is optional.


"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "Unknown server side error occurred",
"details": null


Error codes

Code Text Description
0 UNKNOWN An unknown server error
1 NOT ALLOWED An invalid method was called, typically accompanied by an HTTP response status 405 when an unsupported method is invoked (e.g., PATCH on a resource that only supports GET/POST)
2 NOT REALIZED A web service that has not been implemented on the server was called. This error may occur if a service is documented but has not been implemented as a permanent or temporary solution
3 INVALID STRUCTURE Invalid request structure. This error usually occurs when a mandatory parameter cannot be found or when the request body is in an incorrect format
4 INVALID VALUE Invalid parameter value, such as when a string is transferred that is supposed to be in UUID format but cannot be converted correctly, or when a negative paging offset/window limit value is transferred
5 INVALID TYPE Invalid data type for the parameter
6 AUTH NOT PROVIDED Authentication parameters are missing, such as when attempting to request a resource that requires authorization without transferring a respective token/key/signature in the request headers
7 AUTH INVALID Invalid authentication parameter values, such as when authorization parameters are found, but no users associated with the transferred data are present in the system
8 AUTH EXPIRED Authentication data has expired. This error may occur when a token with an expiration feature is used
9 AUTH FORBIDDEN The current authorized user (client system) is not allowed to access the requested resource. This error may occur when attempting to request the profile of a different client system or when a client system attempts to request data of clients not belonging to that system
10 NOT EXIST The requested resource does not exist (equivalent to HTTP status code 404)
11 EXTERNAL SERVICE Communication error with an external IS. This error may occur in case of issues due to interactions with any third-party information systems
12 DATABASE Critical database operation error on the server side