Oz Liveness WEB Adapter

Oz Liveness WEB Adapter is set up via changes in the configuration file stored at the Oz Liveness WEB Adapter server: /core/app_config.json

Settings of the Oz Liveness WEB Adapter Configuration File

api_url – Oz API server address, a text parameter;

api_token – Oz API access token, a text parameter;

api_use_token – a parameter to specify the source of the Oz API access token for the system. Possible values = config\client.

  • If the parameter value is ‘client’, then an Oz API access token is expected from the JS plug-in;
  • If you specify ‘config’ in this parameter, a token will be retrieved from the api_token parameter of the Oz Liveness WEB Adapter configuration file.

lang_allow – languages available in the system. Possible values = ru\en;

lang_default – system locale by default. Possible values = ru\en;

video_actions_list – block of video file tags used in the system, a text array. Current tag list.

photo_actions_list – block of photo file tags used in the system, a text array. Current tag list.

actions_default_importance – this parameter specifies whether override with an actions array from web plug-in is allowed at launching an analysis. Possible values = true/false;

  • If you specify this parameter as ‘true’, the Adapter will use an actions array from the configuration file.
  • If you specify this parameter as ‘false’, the Adapter will use an actions array forwarded from your browser with the use of open(options) method.

actions_default – actions array. Options include:

  • video_count – number of transmitted video files, a numeric parameter;
  • photo_front – whether there is a front-side page in the document. Possible values = true/false
  • photo_back – whether there is a back-side page in the document. Possible values = true/false.

analyses – a block for configuring the launch of analyses. Options include:

  • quality – launch of Oz Liveness analysis. Possible values = true/false;
  • biometry – launch of Oz Biometry analysis. Possible values = true/false;
  • documents – launch of Oz Text analysis. Possible values = true/false.

extract_best_shot – a parameter that specifies if a direct link to the best shot extracted from the video should be appended to the analysis result. Possible values = true/false;

result_mode – a parameter that specifies the contents of the server response with verification results. Possible values:

  • safe – only the state of analyses is returned (completed or not yet);
  • status – results of completed analyses are returned;
  • full – full Oz API response on the analyses is returned in JSON format.

result_codes – a block of response codes with annotations.

“delete_old_sessions”: true, – Deleting old sessions

“delete_old_sessions_offset_minutes”: ***, – Delete old sessions with timeout in minutes

Array of required actions



“save_lossless_frame”: true, – Saving the original frame without compression