Define attack on Facial Liveness detection - Check yourself
es pt kz

Is it easy to detect a fake?
Check yourself!

Define attack on Liveness! Each question may contain a fake face, for example, a mask, or captured from the screen of another device.Choose which picture you think is fake.

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live person

%% question.text.eng %%

%% quiz.result_text.result_title.eng %%

%% score() %%

%% quiz.result_text.correct_text.eng %%

%% userResponses.length - score() - 1 %%

%% quiz.result_text.wrong_text.eng %%

% Layer 1

%% quiz.result_text.correct_10_11.eng %%

%% quiz.result_text.correct_7_9.eng %%

%% quiz.result_text.correct_0_6.eng %%

100% Layer 1

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%% index %%.

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